Since the launch of LINC in December of 2011, we have been on the front lines meeting basic needs in our community. Our selfless team of volunteers led by our program manager are trained to welcome all people with kindness and compassion. We perform intake interviews to assess individual needs, and meet each need to the best of our ability. For individuals and families who are living in challenging situations with needs we can’t meet, we also provide referrals to other agencies. Our heart is to offer individuals in our community practical help and tangible hope.
For those who are eligible, we provide:
Clothing | Food | Home Essentials | Rent/Utility Assistance (as funding allows)
Financial/Job Coaching | Referrals to other service providers
Visit our Office
Monday - Wednesday
278 SE 8th St, Madras, OR 97741
(541) 475-4446

A word from our program manager, Regina Mitchell
Contact our Program Manager!
Regina Mitchell
I began volunteering at LINC in 2020 one day a week as a receptionist. It was quite an eyeopener to discover that Madras had a sizeable population of people and families in need who all knew where and what LINC had to offer them.
LINC provides assistance to meet basic needs for low-income people and individuals and families experiencing homelessness. We provide clothing, shelf-stable food, rent and utility assistance, shower, propane and clothing vouchers, kitchen and household items, as well as job search assistance and referrals to other agencies. Initially, it felt like this was substantial for a non-profit program dependent on donations and small grants, but LINC has been doing this and more for over 12 years.
As the Project Manager, my job is to support and encourage the six dedicated volunteers who show up every week for one day to serve our clients. They provide compassionate care and pray for clients when they allow us to do so. We listen to their stories, trials, difficulties and sorrows. Stories of deaths, fires, divorce, separations, lost jobs, disabilities, and various other tragedies are common among the people we serve. We attempt to meet their immediate basic needs if possible and to bear witness to the challenges they experience in life.
Every day is different, but the blessings are ours. We like to say that we can’t do everything but we can do something, and this brings focus to our efforts. Churches, businesses, and individuals in the community support LINC’s operations by donating finances, clothes, food, kitchen items, bedding, etc. We are a conduit between caring individuals and those in need.
It’s just where we want to be.